Sunday, August 26, 2007

My kids love acting

The Wizard of Oz

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Goofed around with the kids one day. They loved this and actually knew the lines between each other before ever showing me. Went to my mom's house the weekend prior and she put them in these costumes and they said the lines to each other. I just had to put them where I wanted. I can say without a doubt, they are better kids than any parent deserves. I mean, like two good friends with you all the time.


Bret Frost Sports Podcast said...

I am a mom whose kid (that's right, an only child) also loves to act. He inspired me to make movies with kids in our neighborhood. Now, six years later, I've made close to 100 movies with over 1000 kids! Yep - I turned it into a business. Lucky for me Apple invented iMovie, although nowadays I use Final Cut Pro. Making movies with kids is definitely a one-of-a-kind creative, fun activity! Hope your kids bug you to make more!

Bret Frost Sports Podcast said...

I am a mom whose kid (that's right, an only child) also loves to act. He inspired me to make movies with kids in our neighborhood. Now, six years later, I've made close to 100 movies with over 1000 kids! Yep - I turned it into a business. Lucky for me Apple invented iMovie, although nowadays I use Final Cut Pro. Making movies with kids is definitely a one-of-a-kind creative, fun activity! Hope your kids bug you to make more!