Thursday, August 9, 2007

Been tagged

Been tagged by David. New at this. Here goes.

1. I meditate in the shower in the morning. Cannot turn the hot water off for at least 30 minutes until I visualize the day, its difficulties, and what I have going for me in any upcoming conflict situations. Kind of plan my attack for the day. I've tried getting out of the shower sooner than that. Doesn't work. Heather always thinks I'm playing with myself. But I hate doing that in the shower.

2. I hate needles. Not a unique one, but I mean, I HATE NEEDLES. Just got my apendix taken out today, and the worst part...not the idea of having my stomach sliced open...not having my ass sticking out of that cute gown that I looked so manly in...not pissing in a water bottle to have the nurse document the color and amount...not telling six nurses and two doctors in my town that I smoke pot, but the worst part...the fucking IV. I mean. I turned white, my eyes rolled in the back of my head, and I almost melted. But then the morphene kicked in. And I was delicious.

3. I used to think that if I flushed the toilet while I sat on it, I'd get sucked into the pipes. It was a long time ago. I swear.

4. I have a secret desire (only really Heather knows) to be a gansta rapper. Seriously. Just ain't got the street cred. Yet;)

5. I won't share my milk with anyone...not even my wife or kids. Just something about the opacity of that white cow juice. Flashback to my big brother's room, circa 1990. I'm clipping my toe nails across the room. He's watching sports center on his bed, drinking a cool glass of whole milk. I'm clipping. Clipping. Letting the slivers drop into his rug because I'm his little brother and I knew it would drive him nuts. He looks at me. "You're not leaving those in the rug." I say, "I'll pick em up." A few minutes go by. He gets to the bottom of his now luke warm glass and what does he find? Believe it! A toe nail! He chased me for hours around the house until we both busted out laughing. Nevertheless, don't touch my milk.

6. I multitask way too much. Always have. I've always thought it made me well rounded. But now I think, it's just killing me. But I can't stop. I just love doing many different things.

7. My wife Heather is by far my best friend. Not a lie. Not writing it because she could see it. She knows it's true. I mean, I listen to guys complain about their wives like, "It's a guy thing to do." Like we're supposed to think of her as a ball and chain. But, she's my favorite person to be with, whether it's at dinner, at a baseball game, in a strip bar, or making a film. She's talented, artistic, true, and beautiful. Sometimes I don't understand what she sees in me.

8. I've never made a single cent writing anything, except a menu.

9. Religion gives me the creeps, but I love God.

10. Got more ideas for stories and poems at baseball practice than anywhere else. May be the reason I didn't get much PT in college.

Not sure who to tag

Mr. Bootles - because he posted something about a Flannery O'Conner adaptation...I've written a feature length adaptation to one of her stories and I'm fascinated to know which one he had the rights too.

Could you describe the Ruckus? - because his blog looks sharp, and LAID (what I could glean from the blog) intrigues me.

two's all I can do. Apendix hurts.

1 comment:

Patrick J. Rodio said...

Hey, thanks for the tag. I did this one though, but you can find it on my blog - it should be a few entries back.

Nice blog here, too. I'll be checking it out!!

Plus, I'll do a Laid update tonight with a nice, offensive scene included!